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Blog from Oct. 20, 2016

Why I Stopped Blogging And Why I've Started Again

It's been over a year since I stopped blogging. I stopped because I felt that each blog had to be about something uniquely tied to Jewish Theater, and quite frankly, I had run out of ideas. I am renewing this blog, however, because I have so much that I want to write about theater in general, that I will be using this space to do so. 

I was thinking the other day that theater may well be the most bizarre experience that we, as human beings, seek to explore. We watch people become someone they are not, and allow ourselves to be pulled into the deception and even feel the feelings that are created by a fake story and a fake scenario. 

What is the appeal? I'm sure there are many answers to that question, but I would like to share mine. I truly believe that theater, at its best, makes us more empathetic to our fellow human beings. It opens our minds and hearts to the other, to the person who experiences that which we have not. Great theater allows us to see the humanity in each other, and that, my friends, is a gift. 

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